Sunday, March 20, 2005

..the tiger and the dragon..

did u see the movie the tiger and the dragon?? (..or something like that..sorry..) a chinese the end the young woman jump from a high place..with her arms and eyes opened to find her last dream...
when u want something u need to do like that..the problem u know wot u want??

someday u or me wont come online anymore..and ur nick or mine will be in silence 4ever..
how to explain to my dear friends online that im not leaving them??
when this happen..just close ur eyes and u will be in touch with me..
we are the beggining..the middle..the end..
ill be alwyas ur mind..ill be always ur best u will be mine..

open ur wings..u hav so beautiful ones..look at urself..u are so beautiful..u will always be..
u will find company to fly..u are not the only one flyer in this vast universe..

look at that flyer couple..they are flying together abt one eternity..well..wot time means???

Solar and lunar eclipse 2023

Eclipse solar / IgorZh - Shutterstock October brings two eclipses: an annular solar one on the 14th and a partial lunar one on the 28th. An...