Wednesday, March 30, 2005


well..more one day is finishing in my beautyful gonna sleep now..and ill dream with another perfect and sunny day!! :P
today im feeling really great!! my day was so kool!! i found friends inside people i already knew..but i didnt know them i knew today..

hey..u..who i dont know..u who is reading me now..sometimes u think that someone cant be ur friend..maybe because he/she is so strange for u..maybe because he/she is so far from u..
but be a friend means acept the other as he/she is..and no distances is important when u r really a friend..some friends can hurt u..but if u r a good friend u will understand her/his bad moments..
buuuut..........theres some people who say that is ur friend..but they just want to play with u.....humm...dont is not ur fault!!..thats his/her fault :( ..keep doing ur best..and someday u will find other u :) .....

sooooo..hav a gooooooddddddddddd nighttttttttttttttt!! and dream a looootttt...
life is just a dream :P

Posted by Hello

Solar and lunar eclipse 2023

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