Monday, March 07, 2005 settings...

here i am again..setting once more..

today i bought a new cd..Loreena McKennett..a special and limited ediction..i went to the library to take a coffee and bought a dance cd..but when i saw that..well..i liked it..

im hearing it moved by sounds..smells..kind of lights..all this could take me to a diferent place in my mind..who never did remember a place or a fact hearing a song..smelling a perfum..or seeing a strange light??

when i hear this kind of song i feel going to a presence of soul is lies..i am just me..

world could be moved by would be so much better...and if i could be an i would be a cithara.................

waving me in the air...feeling me so free...leaving useless things to much i need to soul looks for a place...better for me...sometimes i can stop but i know where i go now...just doing new settings to redirect my a spacechip needs to be in right way to landed...i thought i was going to somewhere...but really im turning to my my first breath in this earth when i had no sin..when i had no doubt..when i had no lies inside of me..reborn..turn to born..

i hav two muslims friends now in my town -two girls- so nice and trusty..i can be myself with them..they are so pure and friendly

thanx god..u always hav a good surprise for me ;)

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