Tuesday, December 06, 2005


so..the year is finishing..more tecnology..still corruption..disaters..new bands..but nothing like before..pearl jam just sang to 150.000 people in brazil..sun is getting cold..misery..new diseases..or the not really old ones still killing..football..games..that son of a bitch who stole ur place at ur job..pornography with children..murders..new movies..the world is the same..and so is the human beeing...

and people still do small groups to feel better or wotever.............

they dont know..or they are pretending that they dont know..that everything is related......and it was said in 1855, by Chief Seattle when the President of US - Franklin Pierce - wanted to buy the land of the indians...


the family of that Chief is dead...and people like that president is still alive....

we will be like einstein said " i dont know how will be the 3rd war..but i know how will be the 4th...with sticks and stones........."

and people are still so cowards..in the minimun details...and..theres something worst than a coward??

cowards just pretending but they are never anything....they are just on ur way to confuse..to hurt...to spoil...........thas y they could be in other place..but not here ..on earth

btw..im not a jugde..and im wondering if someday im gonna wake up and notice that im not a dreamer anymore....

well..according with and astrologer..im gonna die next year..when an awful position among saturm-neptun-uran and plutan will be on my astrological sky...who knows..

god knows...

Solar and lunar eclipse 2023

Eclipse solar / IgorZh - Shutterstock October brings two eclipses: an annular solar one on the 14th and a partial lunar one on the 28th. An...