The weirdest part of getting old is being able to know the end of all stories. Life now is like a book that you've already read it all. You know when you can change things and you know when it is time to go.The best part is getting to know how generous you become, just because you had been there and you do not want others to get the same hurts that you had. So you give, not because you can't fight, but because it is the only right thing to be done. The greatest "finalle" is understanding that you made your best and that finally you accept things just the way they are, even when it hurts. It is a long road that you need to go alone. Only then you can learn to be better that you have ever imagine. Free your mind and spirit and go to places where you are needed. World is plenty of people who needs your attention and care. What will remain is the good you did, even if no one notice it. Does it hurts? Whatever. One day all the pain will be gone. Just believe: it is free.