Today I read something that fullfiled my heart and made me think.
So beautiful.. but the problem is that most of people forget fast and leave behind the ones who once they needed.
Thats why I treasure when I find brave people, they are the best friends who will never betray us.
They are those kind of friends who, whatever be the distance and time we dont meet each other, the friendship keeps beeing fresh as the first time: we all love each other and are true to our faith and to the other's one, we only feel love and joy when together, we see the world through the lens of this special friend. They will always tell the truth because the truth, if it is related to them, will never hurt a friend. And if it is related to the world, a true friend will think that is better we know the truth through them than through a stranger. Because brave and true friends are sisters and brothers in soul and love to live in peace. ♥