Thursday, March 30, 2006
im trying to take a good care of me...but is not a rebel :P
im taking a lot of vitamins to recuperate me from that flu..i lost too much weight!!
till now i dont know what really hit me..alergy or whatever..cause i dont be sick like that..EVER!
at my work my ex-husband gave me some days to rest once more..
and when i come gonna work..
like a slave again..hehe..
btw..i took this pic today!!... am i getting better?? ;;)
what a storm....
Solar and lunar eclipse 2023
Eclipse solar / IgorZh - Shutterstock October brings two eclipses: an annular solar one on the 14th and a partial lunar one on the 28th. An...
how to forget someone when ur heart is broken?? awww...that was the question in a stupid movie i watched..hehe..well..i hav ma own recipe.. ...