Saturday, March 11, 2006
friends are forever..anywhere..anytime :) feeling like dead today :(
since some days ago i got a flu and i have starting to take anthibiotics..but on thursday i went out with my was not ok and we get out with her to cheer her up..and we took some pics. .
i knew someone really funny..his name is terje and he is for norway..i gave some info abt my city and abt other places to know in my country..and he told me that Rio de Janeiro is the most beautiful city that he had never seen before!!! :)
then..after that we came back home and at the other day..i was WOOOOOOOOOOORST!!! :( just be at home and gonna be ok in some days
well..i wish better days to my friend lu..she is so beautiful and so good heart..she deserves all happiness of this world...
friends are forever..anytime..anywhere..always together :)
i always be there for a friend..
pic: luciana, paty & me
ugh! i hate digital cameras :P
Solar and lunar eclipse 2023
Eclipse solar / IgorZh - Shutterstock October brings two eclipses: an annular solar one on the 14th and a partial lunar one on the 28th. An...
how to forget someone when ur heart is broken?? awww...that was the question in a stupid movie i watched..hehe..well..i hav ma own recipe.. ...