Tuesday, January 10, 2006

hmm..today im feeling diferent..even if i would wear a red and sensual dress i would feel like...
angels around me..
my ex-sister-in-law took this pic from me today..im looking like that kind of propaganda (old one) when they show everybody in a ilusionary happiness..but.. as it is old..the gurl is already dead!! :o

the sky is blue here and the weather is agreable..28ºC..the humidity of the air doenst allow we feel like a hot meal :D..and a kool wind is blowing..in my window
and my mom bought a eletronic keyboard to my lil daughter and ..wow! :o .. a guitar to my son!! my peace days are finished :D

but..while my lil daughter knows to play piano my lil son doesnt know how to play the guitar..well..at least i can pratice..and he wil learn..for sure..i can give him a hand ;)

i always had a kind of control abt my life..but now..its beyond me..its like..u are not keeping ur hands at the rudder but the ship is going and u dont know where..and i really dont like when i donno wot is happening..

but this is one of the things that we need to learn..we just are not on control all the time..for my freedom i resign to be always the boss..but that's my nature and someday im gonna do everything to be on control again..maybe not..

i wanna do still a lot of things..

Solar and lunar eclipse 2023

Eclipse solar / IgorZh - Shutterstock October brings two eclipses: an annular solar one on the 14th and a partial lunar one on the 28th. An...