Saturday, August 27, 2005

open the gate!! open the gaaaaaaaaaate!!
are you in a hurry??
i said open the gaaaaaaaaateeeeee!! i wanna get out of hereeeee!!
can you tell me why?
i want..i get out of this fucking plaaaaaceeee!!
but you had choosen this gate..
i knoooowww..but u said for me..if something was going wrong i could chose other one! am i guilty cause this?? and u promised to me..that u will open other gate for me...
i know wot you are hurt...but sometimes its necessary to be better than we are..

hahahaha..k..lil and still dirty girl..awww..
are u lost??
i told u before..kill meeeeee!! hhaaaahhha
but ur cheap phisolophy told me that u needed me coz i keep u alive..
c?? im not ur worst enemy..u are!!!
if u dont dominate ur heart u will be lost foreverrrrrrrrrrr..and everrrrrrrrrrrrrr..
leave me alone..
awwww..lil dirty girl wanna be left alone..
u are alone..u dont need ma help to this..
and dont pray to ur god..he is sooo busy to listen to u..
leave in peace..plz...

Solar and lunar eclipse 2023

Eclipse solar / IgorZh - Shutterstock October brings two eclipses: an annular solar one on the 14th and a partial lunar one on the 28th. An...