Thursday, June 23, 2005

the gate is opening..where do u want to go?

i dont know...

hey ... look whos here!!! dirty lil girl!! n eating chocolats .. as always .. haha
who is there?
dont u recognize me anymore??
who did open that door for you?
u did!!
me? no..i left u there..locked in that room..
u opened that door fo me ... many times ... and now im here .. to catch u again
you are crazy..just get away..
naaa... u called me!! and im here babez ... all urs!! and u r mineeee!!
awww ... wot expression on ur face ... am i scaring u??
you are a miserable person..just leave me alone..
i can feel ur breath ... ur lips so dry ... u r scaaared!! not..just get away..
hey .. u r saaaad .. haha .. i can feel that!!
j-u-s-t g-e-t a-w-a-y..
u r not fighting anymore .. hmm .. as i like .. ohooo!!
think what you want to thinking..
can u tell me abt wot??
i need to decide something..
ya .. i know ... thas y im here dirty n still lil .. girl!!! .. u cant decide anything! .. and u r scared! .. u cant even decide wot is better for u!!!! .. i hav many faces .. n u can call me from diferent ways .. n ull unlock me many times .. n ill be here! .. to take u to nowhere!... kool!! .. aint it??


why are you doing that with me again?
oh .. c'amon!!! ... im doing nothing with u .. u r!!! ..
okeizzz!! .. okeizzzzz!!! ... im getting old .. im gonna giv u a chanceee!! .. if u were able to kill me ... ull be freeeee!!!
kill you?!?
yessssssssssssssssssss .. just killing me ull win!! .. wot doesnt kill me makes me stroooongeeeeerrr...........................


i remember...when i was a lil scaring locking me in that dark room.....
i saw many unimaginable things..all scary...and you were always laughing of my weakness..of my innocence beeing lost..
you stole me my dreams..and for so many nights i prayed for you remember how many times i asked you to help me??...
"i cant help u"....

with your hate i learnt to be hated..with your scary face..i learnt to be beat me..and i learnt to be did spit at me..u did vomit on my face all those bad things from you..and you locked me to dont see the light...and i never understood why..

i begun to hate you..and just then i could win you..once.....
but it was not enough..

now you come and say to kill you..
but if i kill will win..not me..
and thats was your last trap..
i wont kill make me survive...

you are locked in your own trap... i won.. i will 4ever..
you can stay..maybe go..i dont mind..
the most important i already know...

Solar and lunar eclipse 2023

Eclipse solar / IgorZh - Shutterstock October brings two eclipses: an annular solar one on the 14th and a partial lunar one on the 28th. An...