Tuesday, May 03, 2005

ur rights ends when the other rights begin..
theres always a limit..and u need to know where it is..
maybe u think u can see clearly..
but wot is clear for u maybe is not clear to another one..
in ur life u find many people..
and some really makes a diference in ur way..
and for sure u beeing wrong or right u will learn so much..
if u want to..
sometimes u ask for urself..why?..
and the answer for sure is inside of u..
maybe u are not able at the moment to see that..
but the answer is there..

nothing happens with no reasons..
and dont be down uf u think u did something wrong..
just dont loose this opportunity to extended ur limits..
and to be a better person..

i knew someone..
i say i knew bcoz maybe i wont c that person again..
and i never saw a person with a so open mind..
so open heart..
a person able to understand the cheaper side of someone..
and even so that person never put anyone down..
when u find this kind of person..
u can look at urself and see who u are..
and think abt who u could be..

some people comes to ur life and soon they go..
others come to ur life just to put u down..and that people u make go..
but theres a kind of people who comes to ur life to change u..
maybe they stay..or not..
but for sure..
u will never be the same..

Solar and lunar eclipse 2023

Eclipse solar / IgorZh - Shutterstock October brings two eclipses: an annular solar one on the 14th and a partial lunar one on the 28th. An...