Saturday, January 29, 2005
as a butterfly..
Even though complete nudity is not officially allowed, sometimes floats carry topless or almost-naked beauties, male and female. You get the idea: a little body paint, lots-a-glitter, a smile... The best looking men and women are selected for these special spots.The right stunt is a guaranteed headline the following day, and some do not draw a line for a chance of few seconds in the spotlight (see funny but true stories).
Other floatees have very sophisticated costumes. On the top of the float the cherry is usually a floatee in an impossibly heavy costume. They use cranes to get up there, of course. Imagine trying to climb a ladder with an extra 100 pounds on your back!
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how to forget someone when ur heart is broken?? awww...that was the question in a stupid movie i watched..hehe..well..i hav ma own recipe.. ...