This world have a lot of work to be done. Is really great to know that ESMA exists and are here to "protect and rescue the animals in immediate danger. ESMA is a charitable organization registered in Egypt (No. 3059/2007) that operates a shelter and adoption center."
Chief Seattle said in 1885 (in a response to the USA President Franklin Pierce - who wanted to buy the indians land) "everything is related", "we are all brothers" - he was talking about all nature, not only humans. Animals, fields, rivers, the whole universe, they are all our brothers in life.
Chief Seattle said in 1885 (in a response to the USA President Franklin Pierce - who wanted to buy the indians land) "everything is related", "we are all brothers" - he was talking about all nature, not only humans. Animals, fields, rivers, the whole universe, they are all our brothers in life.