Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Stop judging. We all are different. The chances are not the same to everyone. Can you imagine, leave your comfortable home and live under a war 24/7 and no place to go because everything is destroyed? Even in places that has no wars, many live isolated in their little worlds, or because they are sick and dont have money to pay a doctor or a medecine. Or because they are too ignorant to know what to do because they didnt have access to school. Or because they are weird.

I know what you are thinking: "World has no time for losers". Be aware: one day might be you.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Egyptian Society for Mercy to Animals - ESMA

This world have a lot of work to be done. Is really great to know that ESMA exists and are here to "protect and rescue the animals in immediate danger. ESMA is a charitable organization registered in Egypt (No. 3059/2007) that operates a shelter and adoption center."

Chief Seattle said in 1885 (in a response to the USA President Franklin Pierce - who wanted to buy the indians land) "everything is related", "we are all brothers" - he was talking about all nature, not only humans. Animals, fields, rivers, the whole universe, they are all our brothers in life.

ESMA - http://www.esmaegypt.org/

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Music express all our feelings. It is an universal language. And we chose some according to our mood. After so many beats Im like the moon now, only reflecting the light (of my family and friends).

Im down but this is transitory. It is normal we feel like that after being hit for something - even expected.

Never have any doubt about yourself. Believe in how strong you can be. In the end you will be a better person. The best way to improve yourself is facing the harder things. Easy tests dont help you in nothing.

Saturday, April 02, 2011

Me, myself & I

I did a hard work on myself to dont miss anyone. I wish to be possible to have two of me lol I would be nice to myself, I would never betray myself, just like I do being only one. But it would be nice share my life with someone like me - not other person, but me myself, twice. I wish the other Taz was here.

Friday, April 01, 2011


Friday. Hell's door are opening. Welcome. Wanna dance? Eat? No fun and no food. You are Devil's slave remember? Just mix your pain into your drink and burn.

Solar and lunar eclipse 2023

Eclipse solar / IgorZh - Shutterstock October brings two eclipses: an annular solar one on the 14th and a partial lunar one on the 28th. An...