Friday, March 25, 2011

Queen ~ Reina

We, all women, are Queens. And Queens do not cry for nothing. So when your heart is sad, does not show, go ahead. When you feel that you fell do not stay there, move on. Be your own well wisher, value yourself, love yourself, because you are a treasure. So when someone says: "you are not what I need", say you in return: "No, because I am more than what you were looking for."

Somos todas, las mujeres, Reinas. Y las Reinas no lloran por nada. Así que cuando tu corazón esté triste, no lo demuestres, sigue adelante. Cuando sientas que te caíste no te quedes allí, sigue. Quierete, valorate, amate, que tu vales oro. Así cuando te digan "no eres lo que necesito" dile: "No, porque soy mas de lo que tu buscabas."

Solar and lunar eclipse 2023

Eclipse solar / IgorZh - Shutterstock October brings two eclipses: an annular solar one on the 14th and a partial lunar one on the 28th. An...