Solar and lunar eclipse 2023
Eclipse solar / IgorZh - Shutterstock October brings two eclipses: an annular solar one on the 14th and a partial lunar one on the 28th. An...
on the beach street in Ipanema i found this incredible group!! all Carnaval they play in the the beach..this differents instrum...
everything begun when i discover i was pregnant..thats my first pic..i was in my 4th month... and daddy took this pic ;)
And talking abt fight..i hav a friend who lives in Bruxells..Belgique.. Abderrahim, 27.. is a proof abt wot i was saying..never stop to figh...
WE ALL are guilty for that we JUST TALK and make nice movies abt it but WE DONT get out from our comfortable homes neither SHARE our meal wa...
Im feeling weird since all that happened. It is not just a social or a security problem, is more than that. There is always a battle.. we ca...
I'm ready. Just waiting to you to open the gate. When may I get in? Be patient. Your freedom is coming soon. I'm tired. What if I br...