Thursday, January 22, 2009

Times to times I like to make a review about how started my blog and how it is now. A professor of Theater Arts once said that all story starts with an "order", goes to the chaos to later be back to the "order" again. It is like a kind of parable with its concavity turned down. But life I think is like an elliptical or circular line: never ends. And to Everything that has a beginning has an end and to every end has a new beggining (btw I like Matrix quotes! in italic is from The Matrix Revolutions - 2003)

I started it simple. I was always losing all my papers. Net would be a good place to keep it and with images! I would never draw such images. Words and images are the perfect match sometimes. Others is better just write some few words or show just an image. It depends on how we are feeling. My intention was writing my book about net relations. But suddenly I was having fun writing about me, what I was doing or anything else.

I have mails (I keep it all!), chats, photos etc. It would be enough to design how people behave themselves on net. Sometimes the most brave one in net is a skinny and timid person in real, or a coward one.

I had my apex here - " bloggingly" talking. Each story had its ending. And I could find some answers while writing. It is a good exercise to check how is working your thought line and just few people could understand what I said. As my friend Shashi and Traveller, and both from IIT! You have to be really a nerd to be there! lol But I am not that clever. With time till the most simple people can be a wise one. Im not wise though.

My journey didnt end yet. But it passed from the middle and everything is getting to that point when everything is so easy to understand. Well.. maybe Im close to the end. And when I leave I will go in peace. I fixed what was wrong, I accepted what I couldnt change and I have forgiven/forgive my enemies - if I had or have any. But I still laugh of the anger of some people. Anger is so useless .. unless you use it to move on and turn bad things into good ones. This is a positive way to use the anger. All feelings are good. Depends on how you use it. I walked a long way till I learn to manage my anger.

We never stop learning.

Solar and lunar eclipse 2023

Eclipse solar / IgorZh - Shutterstock October brings two eclipses: an annular solar one on the 14th and a partial lunar one on the 28th. An...