Tudo um dia estará acabado, pois esta é a ordem natural das coisas, e o que sobrará de tanta filosofia, tanta soberba, tanta mediocridade, tantos valores (errados ou não)? NADA! ABSOLUTAMENTE NADA!
"Oh Meu Deus! E Você me mandou aqui prá isso?!" (se Deus existir...)
In the morning she woke up with the bitter taste of defeat and nothing has changed throughout all the cleanliness in that morning: his soul was imbued with those laughs ... he laughed of her. "It's so strange when we love someone who depises us." At least we can understand how big had been our mistake. What seemed perfect was in fact a farce. But is the world not the biggest of them? Everything will be finished one day, it's the natural order of things, and what will rest of so much philosophy, so superb, so much mediocrity, so many values (erroneous or not)? NOTHING! ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!
"Oh my God! And did You send me here for this?!" (if God exists...)