Sunday, March 09, 2008

Gold Passion

It is not easy to look for what you dont even know what it is. Or maybe you do. Wanna change? It is like an old disease..for so long in your body that now you cant take it off. The only way to survive is changing. Why is this so diffcult to get at this time?

Like if you're walking down to your car one day
As your imagination wanders off
And you see yourself just standing there
While people are showing you all kinds of strange directions
And that's when it comes to you
"I'll walk my way thorugh suburbia"
Through the streets of ten thousand kelvins
Empty trash cans and five foot fences
Soul - Like I have one
Control - As if I had some
10:15 PM and I'm crossing the main road
In hope of finding the last person that makes sense to me
I realize that I've been had and walk faster as my frustration grows
Nothing will ever change around here
People pay good money to avoid any change in colour
Everything is black and white
To hell with these shades of gray
Soul - like I had one
Control - as if I had some

Solar and lunar eclipse 2023

Eclipse solar / IgorZh - Shutterstock October brings two eclipses: an annular solar one on the 14th and a partial lunar one on the 28th. An...