Monday, November 06, 2006

Since I was in a nun school they used to tell us to act always like someone was watching us. They thought that in that way we all would do less mistakes. I dont know but the fact is that till today I never put my finger inside my nose - just when I take shower to clean it, I never make strange noises :P and I'm always sick about smells, I mean, always taking shower and wearing perfumes and cleaning my teeth like crazy and I used - and I do till now - sleeping like a princess :D or like I think that a princess would do :P. I dont lay on my bed like a common mortal..hehe. Ah! And I don't go to the wash room with the open door! Ever!

I know that those are just details but if you will live with someone sure the other person will notice all that! But it is all a routine. With time you learn to do that automatically and it starts to be a part of you.

How many things we do automatically in our lives? At home, on the streets, at work? And even with people. Or even to show to everyone how cool we are! It will never change! People use to do right things or try to do impressive things when they are close to others..or when they want to be closer...but why dont do that normally? Have you ever seen someone that at the beginning is gentle and cool and later you notice that this person is disgusting? I prefer do have the consciens about who I really am than pretend to be something that I am not. The problem is..who am I? haha

But the point is..we are always living in a repetitive way everyday. Doesn't matter if you are good or not. YOU ARE A REPETITION! Everything is always exactly the same..wherever you go..whenever it happens..just dates are the History or in your simple or luxurious or violent or clean or dirty or pretended life! Just some are smarter than others. So, try to be creative if you wanna win or live something really good in life.

Solar and lunar eclipse 2023

Eclipse solar / IgorZh - Shutterstock October brings two eclipses: an annular solar one on the 14th and a partial lunar one on the 28th. An...