Sunday, May 06, 2007


I will dance for love
I will dance for pain
I will dance for you
Even in vain
- MadMaktub -

Forgive me

Sometimes we need lose something to get to know
how much important it is for us.
Sometimes we need to feel the same to learn how to be better.
The same bad thing we did with others
we will live in the future to see
how much we were bad or ridiculous.

I know if you read this
You will think it's not worth
But first we need to recognize our mistake
Hate our mistake
And fix the damage we caused.

I know also that
Too much time has passed
To show my regret
But since 27 august 2005 my life changed.
And I made another mistake
Trying to find you in other person.
But.. there's just one Usman Khalid in this whole world.
You are the best person I've never ever known.

I know you will never come back to me even as a friend.
I just wanted to say please forgive me.


Solar and lunar eclipse 2023

Eclipse solar / IgorZh - Shutterstock October brings two eclipses: an annular solar one on the 14th and a partial lunar one on the 28th. An...